Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The "when I'm VERY hungry" Breakfast

Two very exciting things in TMW lifestyle for me... 

First- I am officially down 20 lbs. Before getting sick I was very depressed about my weight. No matter how much I worked out or how "healthy" I ate (healthy to me then meant lots of gluten, low calorie processed snacks, yogurt, granola, and a starving tummy) I kept gaining weight and feeling less energetic. I still have symptoms but hopefully one day I can say I feel as good as I look! 

Second- while we are on the topic of breakfast- I FINALLY found sugar free bacon at Whole Foods.  The brand Wellshire Farms makes a "Sugar Free Dry Rubbed" bacon that is so delicious; I don't understand why most other brands inject the bacon with a form of sugar! This is a high quality product that does not contain gluten preservatives, artificial ingredients, antibiotics, growth promoting hormones, nitrates or nitrites. View ingredients.

Now for the Main Course. This morning I woke up VERY hungry. Thanks to the heat, I haven't felt like cooking or eating lately SO I took full advantage of my hunger this morning, knowing that as the day warms up I won't be eating anything heavy. I use this as my go-to breakfast when I know I won't have time to eat a nice big lunch or if my lunch plan is a simple salad. Packed with protein, healthy carbs and fats, it makes me super full! 

I start by poking holes in my sweet potato so it can vent then microwaving it for 8 minutes. (We have a very old, low power microwave so it could be less time for you!) Cut it in half to use as a base. Next I cook up some ground turkey. I either season it one of two ways depending on my mood. I like it with rosemary and lemon or cumin and parsley. Either way I add s&p, garlic and onion powder. Add the meat to the sweet potato. Next I make Dr. Amy Myers Whipped Avocado Dressing, whipping together the avocado with lemon juice, sea salt, and olive oil, then add that to the top of the sweet potato/ meat. Finally, I add sautéed onions. Because I was VERY hungry the onions came out rushed today- less sautéed and more crispy (aka burnt). Don't you hate when that happens?