Sunday, December 13, 2015

Amazing egg-free AIP Pancakes!

I am so excited to share this recipe with you! I've become accustomed to eating strange foods for breakfast since I don't eat eggs, grains, or dairy.  It doesn't phase me to heat up a piece of fish or meat and a type of squash for breakfast. However, it is nice to have a more traditional breakfast option, especially one that my boyfriend (who is very picky) will eat with me.

I've been in denial about food sensitivities for a few months. How could something that is so good for me be bad? My diet is already limited- how could I need to restrict it more? However this week was the test.  I am one week into giving up coconut along with a few other foods which I was suspicious about, and I feel a ton better. I knew it would be hard to replace my coconut butter, coconut flour, and coconut milk (luckily coconut oil doesn't bother me) but experimenting with cassava flour has been great- even better then coconut flour! 

I hope you enjoy these as much as I did. I was making cinnamon Kombucha squash in the oven and my boyfriend said, "those smell like pancakes," which is what gave me the idea. I love the texture AND taste better than regular pancakes!

AIP pancake 
Makes 4 small or 3 large pancakes! 

3/4 cup of cassava flour
2 tbsp coconut oil, melted + more coconut oil for the pan 
1 tbsp cinnamon 
2 tsp vanilla 
Sea Salt 
1/2 cup leftover, cooked, and mashed kombucha squash (or other starch!) 
1/3 warm water + approx. 1 cup warm water 

Combine the flour, cinnamon, vanilla and a pinch of sea salt. Add the melted coconut oil, mashed squash and 1/3 cup warm water, working it until doughy. Slowly stir in the remaining warm water until the dough becomes a batter-like consistency. 

NOTE: The amount of water you add will vary. I do not remember the exact amount of water I used to get the right texture! 

Next heat up a frying pan with coconut oil. Spoon the batter into the pan. Cook the batter as you would a regular pancake! I like mine a little on the crispier side. 

Serve with uncured bacon and fresh fruit or grade B maple syrup for topping (optional)